Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Example

The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Undergraduate Programme Individual Coursework Submission Feedback Form To#be#completed#by#the#student#- #complete#all#grey#areas#5#failure(to(fully(complete(this(section(or(giving(inaccurat e(information(may( result(in(coursework(being(refused(or(delayed. ( Moduledetails: Module:code: MS3102! Course ofStudy'(please tickone! ): BScAccountingandFinance BSc BankingandInternationalFinance BSclnvestmentandFinancialRiskManagement BSc RealEstateFinanceandlnvestment Studentdetails: 596! BScActuarialScience BScBusinessStudies BScManagement Other'(pleasespecify) Family! Name:! Sarkhel! First! Names:! Jade! Nina!! *your! Student! Registration! Number! (Reg! No)! is! printed! on! the! right! hand! side! of! your! Student! Identity! Card.! ! 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We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Youshouldpayparticularattentiontoanyfeedbacknoteddirectlyonyourwork. ! FinalMark: Authorised! by:! Please(contact(your(lecturer(to(discuss(his/ her(comments(and(obtain(further(feedback. (All(marks(are(provisional(until(approved(by(the(appropriate(Assessment(Board. ( Technology facilitating virtual organisations This report endeavors to study the application of Skype to facilitate a virtual organisation. This critical analysis will identify benefits and risks associated with the application of this technology and scenarios for its use in the immediate and slightly more distant future. Word count: 2013) )3! ENCOURAGE! KNOWLEDGE! BUILDING! VIRTUAL! INTERVIEWS! † 5 TRAINING! 6 24/7! CUSTOMER! CONCLUSION) BIBLIOGRAPHY). OF MI 980).!! The% exponential% growth% (App. % 1)% of% the% internet% over% recent% years% has% eroded% international% barriers,% given% access% to% a% plethora% of% information% at% our% fingertips% and% has% influenced% a% significant%shift%in %the%way%businesse s%work%today. %with%the%help%of%technological%tools, %we%have% %work%to%more%virtual%organisationsl . These% organisations% operate% in% a % dispersed% manner% with% intensive% use% of% information% technology, %opening%up%both%endless%unexplored%opportunities%and%threats. %with %offce%space%in% prime%locations%becoming%increasingly%more%expensive %and%individual%desk%space%costing%up%to% El 2,000%a%year2,%we%see % many%businesses%warmly%welcoming%the%use%of%virtual%organisations%to% help%drive%down%costs. %% To% successfully% gain% the% benefits% of% operating% as% a% virtual% entity,% frameworks% such% as% the% intelligent% exploiter% model% could% be% used% to% overcome% challenges. highlights% the% importantance% of% implementing% an% effective% system% in% order% to% utilize% information% systems% and%successfully%enhance%performance3%(app%2). %This%critical analysis%endeavors%to%find%value%in% the%use%of%the%web %2. O%t0015,%Skype,%as%an%effective%system%to%facilitate%a%virtua l %organisation. %lt% will%detail%applications%of%skype%to%support%virtual%work %and%the%risks%that%may%arise. %% Skype%is%the%current%leader%in%voice %over%lP%(VolP)%service%and%instant%messaging. %First%released%in% August %freemium4%service%fits% under% the% category% of% a% Web% 2. % tool,% which% is% a% technological% service% that% enables% users% to% interact,% personalize% and% share% information% over% the% Internet5. % Skype% is% classed% as% a% peer% to% peer% application% and% operates% over% a% ultitude% of% platforms% (across% Mac% and% PC)% % mobile% devices%such %as%tablets,%smartphones%and%laptops%allowing%onMtheMgo%accessibility. %% %A virtual organization or company is one whose members are geographically apart, usually operates primarily via electronic means, appearing to others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location http://whatis. echtarget. com/ %Richard Nessen- Lecture on Virtual Organisations% 3 %Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The I ntelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School. Available At: 4% Freemium is a business model by which a proprietary product or service (typically a igital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but money (premium) is charged for advanced features, functionality, or virtual goods. %Antiroiko Savolainen, 2011 It was coined in 2004 by OReilly who claimed that the use of these tools are to make the internet a more collaborative place (BCS, 2009) The% ability% of% a% firm% to% culminate% relevant% knowledge 6 %and% transform% them% into% unique% capabilities% can% be% crucial% in% developing % nonMimitable% competitive% advantages. % a% virtual% organisation,% is % quiet% common% to% have% individuals% in% different% geographical% locations to% be% working% on% the% same% projects. Interactions% between% individuals% operating% remotely% become% more%challenging%thus%reducing %the%amount%of%knowledge%being%shared. %Skype%allows%up%to%25% partic ipants%to%Join%a%conversation%at%once7,%which%can%be%implemented %into%an%organisation%to% facilitate% knowledge% management 8 ,% virtual% brainstorms% and% group% discussions. % Borderless% collaboration%can%help%to %improve%innovation%through%generating%a%wider%variety%of%ideas%with% influence% from% leading% practices% from% different% geographical% locations. can% improve% consistency%throughout%work,%as%everyone%has%equal access%to%information%and%overall%improve% decision%making%due%to%a % reduction%in%the%loss%of%knowMhow%tacit9%knowledge. %Facilitating%group% discussions%also%increases%productivity%by%reducing%cases%of%reinventing interactions% would% have% significant% benefits,% the% difficulty% arises%when %trusting%relationships%are%not%fully%developed%and%thus%hinders%the %dissemination%of% tacit% knowledge. The% facilitation% and% management% of % knowledge% sharing% also% becomes% more% challenging% in% absence% of% physical% presence% as% a% physical% brainstorming% session% would% usually% ontain% a% mediator% that% actively% manages% the% interaction% to% either% encourage% our% prevent% interruptions% for% example% in% a% physical% scenario% individuals% would% raise% a% hand% before% interrupting. % Another% important% risk% is% exposing% confidential% material,% as% there% is% very% little% control%over%who%is%listening%in%via%the%25%possible%channels%of %communicators. Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a basis for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the mind of individuals. In organisations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, and practices. (Davenport Prusak, 2000) 7 %There is a magic number for brainstorming and that number is 8-10 people. If you get more than ten people, it becomes challenging for everyone to participate and its too easy for side conversations to get going. http://www. ]rsconsulting. net/ freearticles 26. html% 8 %Knowledge Management is the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organisations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to etter achieve their objectives Ron Young. 9 %Goffn, K. Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learnt, and New Product Development. J PROD INNOV MANAG, 28, 300-318. With tacit knowledge, people are not often aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact, regular interaction and trust. This kind of knowledge can only be revealed through practice in a particular context and transmitted through social networks. To some extent it is captured when the knowledge holder Joins a network or a community of practice. 0 %250 companies using Skype, 80% said using it increased employee productivity. http://financialsocialmedia. com/theadvantages-of-skype-in-business- communications/% Physical%and%social%interaction%is%known%to%bind%an%organisation. %The %lack%of%these%interactions%in% virtual% organisations% tends% to% hinder% the% development% of% a% company% culture. % To% encourage% social %interaction%between%virtual%workers,%Skypes%instant%messaging%and%VoIP %can%be%used%for% immediate% support% during% projects% and% general% social% interactions. Encouraging% employees% to% upload% profile% pictures% nd% building% a% personal% profile% for% themselves% can% help% to% develop % a% more%humane%appearance%to%workers,%especially%when%primarily %interacting%on%a%virtual%level. %lt% can% help% to% foster% teamwork% and% a % sense% of% belonging% in% a% virtual% organisation. % The% risk% of% encouraging%employees%to%use%skype%as%a%social%media%tool%is%the %inability%to%control%the%extent%it% is%being%used%for%social%interaction %and%thus%distracting%employees%from%their%work. % Internet%accessibility%has%opened%up%a%global%pool%of%potential%employees %from%which%to%recruit% from. %The%opportunity%to%outsource%work%through virtual%organisations%has%reduced%the%cost%of% remuneration% and% provided% a% wider% pool% of% applicants% for% firms% to% filter% out% the% most% skilled% people% across% the% globe. % So% although% firms% are% no% longer% limited% to% applicants% within% a% comfortable% com muting% distance % from% an% office% base,% the% difficulty% arises% when% interviewing% international%applicants%for%a%virtual%offsite%role. To%overcome%this,%Skype %could%be%implemented% to%hold%virtual%interviews%via%video%VolP. %The %absence%of%travel%time%would%improve%flexibility%of% meeting%times%and would%also%reduce%the%physical%space%required%to%hold%interviews. %These%two% factors%would%significantly%reduce%the%cost%for%both%parties, %due%to%increased%freedom%to%connect% from%more%convenient%locations %and%the%ability%to%reallocate%meetingMroom%space. %The%benefit%of% using %video%calls%as%opposed%to%a%telephone%conversation%would%allow%the %interviewer%to%assess% important% contributors% such% as% body% language% and% presentation. From% the% applicants% perspective,%being%in%a%familiar %location%might%reduce%nerves%and%in%turn%improve%performance% during% the% interview. Skypes% built% in% recording% software% could% be% utilized% to% document% the% interview%as%referen ce%when%making%comparisons %between%applicants%or%to%allow%third%parties%to% asses% applicants% performance% for% a% more% balanced% final% decision. % A% drawback% of% %employees%experiencing%true% company% culture. Through% physically% entering% an% office% building,% they% would% experience% the% work% environment% and% have% the% opportunity% to% interact% with% potential% colleagues. % A% virtual% interview%could%also%result%in%interruptions%due%to %being%more%exposed%to%external%distractions. For%example%using%lnternet %in%a%cafe%could%result%in%disruptive%background%noise,%it%can%also%be% difficult%to%identify%whether%an%individual%requires%privacy%when%sitting%in %front%of%a%laptop%with% headphones%in. Connection%also%plays%a%big%part %in%determining%whether%the%process%works%well% or% not. Delays% can% occur,% calls% can% be% dropped,% and% poor% connectivity% may% result% in% broken% speech%and%noticeable%lag%in%signal%reaching%its%destination. %skype%does%not%offer%a%serv ice%level% agreement%(SLAb%warranting%that %service%will%be%available%and%quality%good,%therefore%call%and% onnection%quality%are%not%always%as%good%as%they%are%on%the%public %switched%telephone%network% (PSTN). %% Technological%advances%has%allowed%multinationals%to%converge%in%the%way %things%are%done%on%a% global% scale. Another% difficulty% experienced% in % virtual% organisations% is% the% ability% to% bring% all% employees%together %and%disseminate%the%same%standard%of%training%across%the%board. %skype %can% be% utilized% by% providing% prerecorded% training% sessions% to% off% site% employees% for% mobile% % anywhere%access. %For%a%more%localized %approach,%one%to%one%or%group%training%via%skype%video% calls% % creen% sharing% would% allow% a% firm% to% create% bespoke% and% highly% interactive% training% programs. The%interactive%aspect%encourages%live %feedback%on%sessions,%encourages%employees% to%be%more%participative%as %levels%of%intimidation%in%a%classroom%setting%are% reduced. %%The%ability% to%tailor%the%course%based%on%individuals%specific%requirements%also %becomes%more%achievable. % Additionally,% it% could% facilitate% training% seminars% with% external% industry% experts% that% may% not% usually%have %the%time%to%travel%away%from%work. The%live%aspect%of%the%sessions means%that% information%is%always%up%to%date%in%comparison%to %learning%via%literature,%and%again%the%built%in% recording% function% can% be% used% to% record% training% sessions% to% build% a% reference% library% with% anytime% access. % The% drawback% of% the% virtual% training;% leaves% the% speed% of% employee% development% down% to% their% own% motivations% to% progress% and% it% becomes% difficult% to% ensure% alertness% during% sessions% due% to% a% higher% level% of% distraction% in% comparison% to% being% in% a% classroom. sharing%confidential%tacit%%explicit%training % of% this% information% reaching% competitors. The% application% of% Skype% training% in% a% virtual% organisation% can% be% leveraged% as% a% competitive % weapon% and% an% employee% retention% tool% to% ensure% that% employees % are% being% offered% career% development,% growth% prospects%and%support %to%reach%personalized%goals%even%when%working%remotely. % % ln%virtual%organisations%newer%team%members%can%be%deprived%of%the %opportunity%to%learn%from% more% senior% workers% and% valuable% knowMhow% tacit% knowledge% can% be% lost% within% a% firm. % The% application%of%skype%calls%for%the%purpose%of%mentoring%could%mend%this %gap. Again%the%benefit%of% flexibility%and%virtual%faceMtoMface %communication%from%mentors%makes%it%easier%to%set%a%time%% date%to %agree%upon,%especially%with%executives%whose%time%may%be%in%high %demand. This%factor% could% encourage% more% frequent% encounters,% allow % relationships% to% develop% faster% and% shorten% power% distances% between% hierarchical% levels. % The% erosion% of% power% distance% can% benefit% both% levels,%as%experience%is%past %down%to%newer%members%and %the%most%up%to%date%knowledge%from% the% front% line% can% be% filtered % back% up% to% higher% levels. % The% challenge% of% implementing% virtual% entoring%is%the%temptation%for%either%party%to%multiMtask%instead%of %concentrating%on%the%task%at% hand. The% feature% of% having% email% access% and% social% media% literally% at% your% fingertips% can% be% highly %distracting. % The%emergence%of%social%media%%blogging%sites%has%empowered %consumers%and%has%supported% the%development%of%the%term %coMcreation. 1 1 %customers%and%producers%are%beginning%to%see%the% benefit%in%interacting%to%create%experiences%and%build%relationships%even %after%the%transaction%or% purchase% has% been% made. % A% successful% example% of% this% is% Apple% care,% which% allows% 2417% customer%support online. Skypes%voice%over%lP%services%could%be%utilized%to%provide %virtual%faceM toMface%interaction%and%support%with%customers. %The %onMtheMgo%access%via%its%mobile%application% would%allow%virtual %workers%to%take%calls%from%across%the%globe%in%a%preferred%location %without% having% to% operate% from% an% office% base. % % Exploiting% time% zones% % the% differences% in% public% and% religious%holidays%would%allow %firms%to%allocate%hours%to%different%regions%to%cover%24/7%support. % The % use% of% Skype% as% a% virtual% interaction% tool% could% help% to% create%

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Iridium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements

Iridium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Iridium  Basic Facts Atomic Number: 77 Symbol: Ir Atomic Weight: 192.22 Discovery: S.Tenant, A.F.Fourcory, L.N.Vauquelin, H.V.Collet-Descoltils 1803/1804 (England/France) Electron Configuration: [Xe] 6s2 4f14 5d7 Word Origin: Latin iris rainbow, because the salts of iridium are highly colored Properties: Iridium has a melting point of 2410 °C, boiling point of 4130 °C, specific gravity of 22.42 (17 °C), and valence of 3 or 4. A member of the platinum family, iridium is white like platinum, but with a slight yellowish cast. The metal is very hard and brittle and is the most corrosion resistant metal known. Iridium is not attacked by acids or aqua regia, but it is attacked by molten salts, including NaCl and NaCN. Either iridium or osmium is the densest known element, but the data do not allow for selection between the two. Uses: The metal is used for hardening platinum. It is used in crucibles and other applications requiring high temperatures. Iridium is combined with osmium to form an alloy used in compass bearings and for tipping pens. Iridium is also used for electrical contacts and in the jewelry industry. Sources: Iridium occurs in nature uncombined or with platinum and other related metals in alluvial deposits. It is recovered as a by-product from the nickel mining industry. Element Classification: Transition Metal Iridium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 22.42 Melting Point (K): 2683 Boiling Point (K): 4403 Appearance: white, brittle metal Atomic Radius (pm): 136 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 8.54 Covalent Radius (pm): 127 Ionic Radius: 68 (4e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.133 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 27.61 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 604 Debye Temperature (K): 430.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 2.20 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 868.1 Oxidation States: 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 3.840 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table Chemistry Encyclopedia

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assess the extent to which manufacturing in China can compete on a Essay

Assess the extent to which manufacturing in China can compete on a global scale. Illustrate your argument with different types o - Essay Example These were originally set-up on the south china coast near Hong Kong and opposite Taiwan. The 1990s was the actual boom decades in china’s introduction to foreign capital. About 70 percentages of FDI flows to china are in developed businesses. This was a reply to a rising political commitment by the Chinese administration to market-oriented reform, the continued creation of special economic zones and strong domestic development and other shareholder incentives. New worldwide economic slowdown and U.S recession are forcing a lot of U.S companies to re-evaluate their manufacturing policy in order to compete successfully in the market. China has turn into a preferable and logical option. There are a number of methods to doing manufacturing in china. â€Å"In china, there are many industrial parks with all the needed infrastructure- electricity, water, telephone, transportation, customer service, shipping service, bank branches, government service and security† (Michael Yih -chung Shen, 2004. P. 118). Presently china has a part of the world trade organization has skilled 23 successive years of development in its gross domestic product. This paper analyses the importance of manufacturing competitiveness in China and its influence on the global market, including aerospace, apparel/clothing, automobiles, and electronic goods. Competitive strength of China in manufacturing field: China’s move to the global centre for manufacturing is based on numerous factors such as the eastward immigration of manufacturing facility, the fact that china is already the world’s number one manufacturer for more than 100 products in terms of quality and its complementary position in terms of financial levels from east to west. The geographical attentiveness of exports and imports in china is highly rough. It is focused in the coastal regions. According to Jintong Lin, Xiongjian Liang and Yan Wan in his book Telecommunications in China: development and prospects says that â€Å"The development of china’s telecommunication manufacturing industry is closely linked with the development of china’s telecommunication industry† (Lin, et al, 2001, P. 74). In the late of 2000s china was the second largest nation in the world in terms of purchasing power parity GDP and it was the third biggest trading state. In the primary production, china was the main producer of wheat, rice, cotton, red meat, coal, tobacco and aluminium. In the case of manufactures, china produced about 60% of the world’s bicycles, 70% of the world’s toys, 40% of the world’s mobile phones and 50% of the world’s motorcycles. In addition to being the world’s top producer of LCD screens and TVs, china created above a third of the world’s air conditioners, luggage, computer monitors and microwave ovens. It also creates above 50% of the world’s cameras and shoes, and regarding two-thirds of all DVD players. "The succ ess of home-grown companies rests in equal measure on the vision of their strategic management and the competence of their labourers. While China indeed possesses a vast pool of workers, few of them are able to compete in today’s global economy" (Wyne, 2007). A major feature of china’s competitive benefit as a site of export-oriented manufacturing production is a low-cost, huge and highly creative labour force. According to James Riedel, Jing Jin, Jian Gao in his book How China grows: investment, finance, and reform says

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Job Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job - Personal Statement Example My academic experience and professional qualifications harnessed my skills and prepared me for the responsibilities that go with the position. I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am enthusiastic to offer my professional services as part of the accounting team of your prestigious institution. Since I am still attending Baltimore City Community College, majoring in accounting, I have been committed to continue a career with your firm. I have taken two business classes and received As. I also have taken three Accounting classes and received no less than Bs. In these classes I became skillful and adept in using Microsoft office. I am well aware that TSA is consistently in pursuit of people who are ambitious, competitive, with a strong focus to succeed and a force to work for the betterment of mankind. I would like to continue to be part of your workforce being guided by values of integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Schuman Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11000 words

Schuman Plan - Coursework Example In fact she had been already actively engaged in NATO along with the U.S.A. Looking at the success of the ECSC however , Britain was tempted to canvass for membership but her attempt was twice scuttled by Charles de Gaulle who opined that Britain had no real interest in joining the ECSC but was trying to enter as the Trojan horse of the U.S.A. which in a way was obvious since the U.S.A. had been advising her to enter the ECSC and try to change its policies on a broader perspective in tandem with NATO. Thus it took almost 22 years for her to make an entry into the community which by then had become EEC from ECSC, only after the exit of Charles de Gaulle from the French Government. The other five states had been longing for Britain's entry and hence the passage was smooth for Britain though France under the premiership of Pompidou allowed her entry only on firm commitments with respect to the EEC budget contributions and on community's Common Agricultural Policy. The conclusion is ther efore that Britain's entry into EEC was politically motivated rather than on economic motives. The unification of Europe was felt ... Thus it took almost 22 years for her to make an entry into the community which by then had become EEC from ECSC, only after the exit of Charles de Gaulle from the French Government. The other five states had been longing for Britain's entry and hence the passage was smooth for Britain though France under the premiership of Pompidou allowed her entry only on firm commitments with respect to the EEC budget contributions and on community's Common Agricultural Policy. The conclusion is therefore that Britain's entry into EEC was politically motivated rather than on economic motives. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The unification of Europe was felt to be the only way to avoid war among nations. France and Germany were sworn enemy nations during world wars I & II. The cessation of hostilities after the end of World War saw many a world leader advocating cooperation between nations in Europe. Robert Schuman, the Foreign Minister of France startled the world by his announcement on May 9, 1950 that Coal and Steel Industry of European nations would have common platform to conduct uniform trade in the said industries what famously came to be known as Schuman Plan. In spite of the apparent advantages of this kind of arrangement, Britain opted out of joining it. While Britain had its own reasons, her rejection of the Schuman plan was not taken lightly by France because of which though Britain quickly realised its importance, it took almost 23 years for it to manage to join the EEC after its formation. 1.2 Aims and Objectives With the above background, aims and objective is to go into the aspects of Britain's hesitation to join the EC initially and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Posture Recognition Based Fall Detection System

Posture Recognition Based Fall Detection System A POSTURE RECOGNITION BASED FALL DETECTION SYSTEM FOR MONITORING AN ELDERLY PERSON IN A SMART HOME ENVIRONMENT ABSTRACT The mobile application is capable of detecting possible falls for elderly, through the use of special sensors. The alert messages contain useful information about the people in danger, such as his/her geo location and also corresponding directions on a map. In occasions of false alerts, the supervised person is given the ability to estimate the value of importance of a possible alert and to stop it before being transmitted. This paper describes system for monitoring and fall detection of ELDERLY PEOPLE using triaxial accelerometer together with ZigBee transceiver to detect fall of ELDERLY PEOPLE. The system is composed of data acquisition, fall detection and database for analysis. Triaxial accelerometer is used for human position tracking and fall detection. The system is capable of monitoring ELDERLY PEOPLE in real time and on the basis of results another important parameters of patient can be deducted: the quality of therapy, the time spent on different activities, the joint moveme nt, etc. The system, including calibration of accelerometers and measurement is explained in detail. The Accidental Fall Detection System will be able to assist carriers as well as the elderly, as the carriers will be notified immediately to the intended person. This fall detection system is designed to detect the accidental fall of the elderly and alert the carriers or their loved ones via Smart-Messaging Services (SMS) immediately. This fall detection is created using microcontroller technology as the heart of the system, the accelerometer as to detect the sudden movement or fall and the Global System for Mobile (GSM) modem, to send out SMS to the receiver. INTRODUCTION The leading health problems in the elderly community. They can occur in home as well as in hospitals or in the long-term care institutions [1]. Falls increase risk for serious injuries, chronic pain, long-term disability, and loss of independence, psychological and social limitations due to institutionalization. Nearly 50% of older adults hospitalized for fall- related injuries are discharged to nursing homes or long-term care facilities [2]. A fall can cause psychological damage even if the person did not suffer a physical injury. Those who fall often experience decrease activities of daily living and self-care due to fear of falling again. This behavior decreases their mobility, balance and fitness and leads to reduced social interactions and increased depression. The mortality rate for falls increases progressively with age. Falls caused 57% of deaths due to injuries among females and 36% of deaths among males, age 65 and older [3]. Majority of falls result from an interaction between multiple long-term and short-term factors in person’s environment [4]. Common risk factors include problems with balance and stability, arthritis, muscle weakness, multiple medications therapy, depressive symptoms, cardiac disorders, stroke, impairment in cognition and vision Detection of a fall possibly leading to injury in timely manner is crucial for providing adequate medical response and care. Present fall detection systems can be categorized [7, 8, 9] under one of the following groups: User activated alarm systems (wireless tags), Floor vibration-based fall detection, Wearable sensors (contact sensors and switches, sensors for heart rate and temperature, accelerometers and gyroscopes ), Acoustic fall detection, Visual fall detection. The most common method for fall detection is using a triaxial accelerometers or bi-axial gyroscopes. Accelerometer is a device for measuring acceleration, but is also used to detect free fall and shock, movement, speed and vibration. Using the threshold algorithms while measuring changes in acceleration in each direction, it is possible do detect falls with very high accuracy. Using two or more tri-axial accelerometers and combining them with gyroscopes at different body locations it is possible to recognize several kinds of postures (sitting, standing, etc.) and movements, thereby detecting falls with much better accuracy. An easy and simple method to detect fall detection of ELDERLY PEOPLE is using accelerometer together with ZigBee transceiver to communicate with Monitoring System through wireless network, and in this paper a system for monitoring and fall detection of ELDERLY PEOPLE using mobile MEMS accelerometers will be presented. . The first three functions provide recording in a database, and also a text message is sent to the supervisor with latitude, longitude and other useful data. Afterwards, you can detect the elder person through Google maps. Additionally, an application was implemented for the attending physician, which is connected with the database, through which s/he can obtain a complete picture of the patients’ status, to draw useful conclusions and proceed to possible change in medical treatment. EXISTING SYSTEM: An application for Apple IOS by using an accelerometer to detect falls. A possible drawback is that the development platform Apple IOS is not accessible to the average user. An application in Symbian s60 using machine learning algorithm takes 64 samples every two seconds from the accelerometer and decides whether there is a fall. PROPOSED SYSTEM: In this paper, we designed an application with the ability of automatic fall detection, by using the mobile sensors, warning signal by pressing a button in cases of emergency, detection and automatic notification to supervisors as well as visual display to passerbies. The application uses basically two incorporated mobile sensors, namely the accelerometer and the gyroscope sensor.A counter starts counting loudly on the screen from 30 to 0. If the counter reaches 0, then an SMS message is sent to the caregiver or relative and an entry is made to the Database. The first service detects the patient’s position and calculates whether the patient is further away than a set distance. When activated can give directions to the patient what route to follow to return back to home. APPLICATIONS: Automatic fall detection. Warning if the elder moves away from the place of residence directions given on the map. ADVANTAGES: Elder’s safety can be assured. Fast First aid or medical treatment can be guaranteed. DISADVANTAGES: Device Sensor should be carried out whenever the person moves over. SYSTEM DESIGN Architecture Diagram SYSTEM FOR MONITORING AND FALL DETECTION The whole system consists of a set of sensors (two or more sensors on the patient, usually MEMS sensors) which the patient wears on himself, local units to collect data that are placed in patient vicinity and systems for collecting. The tiny sensors in the strap are capable of measuring user orientation and motion in three-dimensions and it is constantly monitoring and analyzing the signals in real-time looking for movement indicating a fall. From the comparison Table Error! No text of specified style in document. .1, it shows that the system maybe a hindrance to the consumer in terms of price over the years. The aim of this project is to be able to provide equal standard of care at an affordable cost. The system is shown in Figure 1 the space is divided into sections which are defined by interior and exterior of the institution in which a system is operated. Each room is stocked with local receivers. Local receivers collect data from sensors that the ELDERLY PEOPLE are wearing on the clothes. The sensors are small and lightweight. One sensor is located in the upper garment and the other at the bottom. This is not limited to two sensors, if necessary, there may be more, but for the detection of falls to the back the system must have at least 2 sensors Local receivers pass information to the server. The server information is processed local health care service. Personal computers are used to browse the database collected a t the server. The database contains information about the mobility of ELDERLY PEOPLE, treatment efficacy, joints. All these data can be analyzed offline and used to adjust patient therapy. This has served a double function of the system Real-time patient monitoring and early detection of the fall in order to deliver medical assistance as soon as possible. In this application Free scale TM ZSTAR wireless sensing triple axis board is used (Fig. 2). It is very practical because of low power consumption, portability, and the ability to be mounted in small pockets inside the clothes of ELDERLY PEOPLE. Board is divided into sensory and receiver part. The sensor is placed at the patient and is equipped with an accelerometer, microprocessor, and transceiver with the antenna which sends the measurement data to the receiver. The receiver also has a microprocessor that adjusts the signals received through the antenna to send with the USB protocol. These data are sent to the server. The server collects process and stores the data. Each sensor that is connected to the patient is personalized, and its data are stored in a file under persons name to get an overview of all activities and physical stress of the patient FALL DETECTION USING TWO ACCELEROMETERS In this chapter the operation of the system through one of its functions and to the detection of fall will be described. The figures have been simplified for better understanding of the system. The algorithm used is improved algorithm given in, with better detection of backwards falls. Setup for accelerometer fall detection, consists of the measuring sensors with transmitter, receiver and server for data processing and fall detection. The fall is detected by the algorithm described in. It can be seen that fall detection algorithm uses data from both sensors that are monitored at the same time. This algorithm is able to distinguish between falls (forward, back word fall into a sitting position) and the normal daily activity, such as walking, mastering stairs, sitting in a chair, lying walking is also detecting by the sensors. However, these impacts are not isolated, and after them there is no significant change in orientation between the two sensors. Vectors are in the area that will call common zone .if an isolated stoke which causes a change in orientation of the body is detected, or the orientation of certain body parts in relation to the situation before the stroke, then with some certainty it can be said that the fall had occurred. Dataflow Diagram SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Modules details Phase 1 Modules Fall Detection Location Tracking Phase 2 Modules Communication Route Map Integration Fall Detection: The FALL DETECTION is something that we have developed at Alert1 so you can be safe at all times. Whether you are a senior citizen and want to maintain your independence, a concerned family member looking for peace of mind, or a caregiver with patients, this tool has been developed for you. Prevention is key. Use it to inspect and detect hazardous areas in your home that could result in a fall. If you answer no to the questions, you have already taken action to reduce your risk of falling. If you answer yes to any of the questions, consider making the recommended change or adaptation to reduce your risk of falling. Location Tracking: Real-time locating systems (RTLS)are used to automatically identify and track the location of objects or people in real time, usually within a building or other contained area. Wireless RTLS tags are attached to objects or worn by people, and in most RTLS, fixed reference points receive wireless signals from tags to determine their location. The physical layer of RTLS technology is usually some form ofradio frequency(RF) communication, but some systems use optical (usuallyinfrared) or acoustic (usuallyultrasound) technology instead of or in addition to RF. Tags and fixed reference points can be transmitters, receivers, or both, resulting in numerous possible technology combinations. RTLS are a form oflocal positioning system, and do not usually refer to GPS,mobile phone tracking, or systems that use only passiveRFIDtracking. Location information usually does not include speed, direction, or spatial orientation. Communication: The table that maintained the mapping between the agent’s name and the landmark location is shared and updated by the agents who were on nodes within the landmark’s coverage. When the node is not a landmark node, the table is used as a cache table. If communication with the other agent succeeds, the locations and the agent names are registered in this cache table. It is possible for the agent to periodically get the location of the target agent and store it in the cache table. The use of a cache table enables agents to initiate direct communication with each other and reduce the communication overhead to landmarks. When the cache misses, the agent sends a request to the landmark to get updated information. Agents can also delete the information from the cache table. The communication between landmarks is implemented, however we only use this communication to call the target agent when there is no target agent within the coverage area. This primitive is used when the pro grammer deploys agents and makes deployment of agents easy. Routemap Integration: The integration of spatial maps in mobile was investigated using a spatial analog to sensory preconditioning. The GPS chip outputs the positioning information which is transferred over a GPRS link to the mobile operator’s GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node) and then to a remote server over a TCP connection. The TCP server stores the incoming positional data in a mySQL database. When a user clicks on the tracking page., Zope, which is an open source web application server, serves up an HTML page with an embedded javascript code. The javascript would run in the users browser and has instructions to retrieve the positional information from the mySQL database every second. It then integrates this information into Google Maps through Google Maps API which displays the position on a map. Since the positional information is retrieved every second and the maps updated at the same frequency, a real time GPS tracking effect is achieved. CONCLUSION Triaxial accelerometers can be used for detecting fall of ELDERLY PEOPLE. They offer low cost solution, and together with wireless connectivity solutions such as ZigBee provide efficient solution for both ELDERLY PEOPLE and medical personnel l. In this paper I have presented an intelligent mobile multimedia application that can be incorporated into modern mobile smartphones in order to be used for the needs of the elderly. It is in our future plans to evaluate this system in order to test its efficiency in actually helping these people sufficiently. It is also in our future plans to extend the system’s capabilities by incorporating new services. These services include the following: Embed a belt measuring heart rate as an external sensor Integrate a gyroscope sensor instead of an orientation sensor, for more accurate results Integration of social networks to alert senders Integrate public agency to alert senders Add a system administrator feature. References: A. Chan and N. Vasconcelos, â€Å"Counting people with low-level features and Bayesian regression,† IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 2160–2177, Apr. 2012. E.Auvinet, F. Multon, A. Saint-Arnaud, J. Rousseau, and J. Meunier, â€Å"Fall detection with multiple cameras: An occlusion-resistant method based on 3-d silhouette vertical distribution,† IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 290–300, Mar. 2011. Y. Hou and G. Pang, â€Å"People counting and human detection in a challenging situation,† IEEE Trans. Syst. Man, Cybern. Part A: Syst. Humans, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 24–33, Jan. 2011 Y. Chen, L. Zhu, A. Yuille, and H. Zhang, â€Å"Unsupervised learning of probabilistic object models (POMs) for object classification, segmentation, and recognition using knowledge propagation,† IEEE Trans. PatternAnal. Mach. Intell., vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1747–1761, Oct. 2009 F. Lecumberry, A. Pardo, and G. Sapiro, â€Å"Simultaneous object classification and segmentation with high-order multiple shape models,† IEEETrans. Image Process., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 625–635, Mar. 2010

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Social Interaction and Technology Essay example -- Sociology

Cellphones, television, and computers are just three of the most popular ways that we communicate in today. They have made a substantial impact on the United States simply by being readily available and easy to use. People are often discussing how technology has impacted us. Many believe that technology is actually hindering society rather than helping it. Then there are those who doubt technology has made our social interactions better. Certainly, this is true; without the advances in technology, our level of social interaction in education, businesses, and relationships would diminish. Education is important, so it would only make sense that technology would have a huge part in it. When children are born, they are placed into a world that is driven by technology. Parents are now using iPads and cellphones to allow their children to get a head start on learning. Now, by the time children are of age to attend school, they are exceedingly prepared to incorporate technology in their education. With this being said, educational institutions must help students get ready to work in a society that encompasses an extensive amount of technology. According to Sean McCollum, â€Å"a handful of school districts†¦are adapting their use to serve the curriculum.† Many schools are now using whiteboards, laptops, tablets, Smartphones and other devices in almost every classroom. Technology enhances learning, boosts confidence, and eliminates geographical limitations. Technology enriches learning by being able to come in different forms and do different things. "For lessons traditionally done with a paper and pencil, we now were able to do them in color, with animation, and with more depth and complexity"(McCollum). Teachers are now able to help stu... interactions with each other. Works Cited Carr, Nicholas G. "IT Doesn't Matter." Harvard Business Review 81.5 (2003): 41-49. Business Source Complete. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. Levin, Barbara. "On-Demand Workforce-Communications Technologies Help Organizations Meet Critical Business Goals." Employment Relations Today (Wiley) 35.2 (2008): 43-50. Business Source Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. McCollum, Sean. "Getting Past the 'Digital Divide'." Education Digest 77.2 (2011): 52. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. Social Interaction and Technology. n.d. Intelecom. Video. Web. 11 March 2012. Vanden Abeele, Mariek and Keith Roe "New Life, Old Friends: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Communication Technology Use in Freshmen's Social Life." Conference Papers International Communication Association (2009): 1-36. Communication & Mass Media. Web. 25 Mar. 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Henry VIII Essay

1. Did Henry VIII have the right to manage his marriages to his own advantage? In my opinion, I do not think so.   While it is understandable he needed a son to succeed him and to continue the Tudor name, he did not have the right manage his marriages for the sake of political expediency.   It is also revealed in studies made on the history of the Tudors is that Henry VIII was notoriously licentious.   His authority as king did not give him the right to change the rules. At the time, England was Catholic and it turned to Rome for moral guidance and when Henry did not get annulment, he changed policy and subordinated the church of England under him and his successors and this was all because he could not have a son.   Furthermore, he executed two of his wives and ironically, one of them, Anne Boleyn, produced his eventual successor, his daughter who would become Elizabeth I, one of England’s greatest monarchs. 2. Should a royal figure be held to a different moral code than his spouse and subjects? Why or why not? No.   Monarchs, regardless of their title, are still human.   Their title and privileges do not make them infallible.   They are also human and therefore prone to error.   They should not hide behind their authority to justify their wrongdoings as what most of them did in history.   They have to answer to someone and unfortunately, they cannot use God.   This is the reason why the philosophers of the Enlightenment eschewed the Divine Right theory when they saw it being abused. If monarchs believed they were ordained by God, how come their people hate them? If monarchs are considered beyond reproach, one needs to wonder why Louis XI was overthrown during the French Revolution or Charles I of England and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia were executed.   These examples demonstrate that the Divine Right is passà © and the reason why some monarchies cease to exist. Those that do exist are prudent enough to relinquish most of their power when they senses the changing times.

Friday, November 8, 2019

shanghai flowers essays

shanghai flowers essays Q1. There is a clear contradiction between the beauty and elegance of Shanghai society and culture on the turn of the 19th/20th centuries and the sordid, sometimes despairing lives of the characters as they depicted in Flowers of Shanghai. Discuss the visual style of the film, and attempt to explain a rationale for this apparent contradiction, and/or point out ways in which there is, indeed an organic correspondence, e.g., through a theme of entrapment. The impressive visual style of the Flowers of Shanghai is as elegant as the flower girls beautiful appearance, while its atmosphere is as claustrophobic as their entrapment. Set entirely inside the elegant flowerhouses, spectators have no choice but to follow the lives of the flower girls, who go out, if at all, only with their clients. The deprivation of lighting further intensified the sense of claustrophobia. Most of the scenes were shot during nighttimes, when a few table gaslights dimly light up the flower girls figures and their delicately decorated rooms. There are only three noticeable daytime scenes: one is when Emerald is about to buy herself freedom; the other two scenes are about arranging marriages, which result from the two most violent scenes in the film (the outrage of Master Wang and the love suicide Jade attempted to commit), and follow by a devoice (between Wang and Jasmine) and a questionable future (of Jades marriage). Windows are a more decorative metaphor than the source of lighting. The cold blue and green lights can hardly penetrate the windows; instead, the lights stay on the glass and contrast with the overwhelming warm and rich red and yellow colours inside, hinting the contradiction between the glamour of the interior and the harsh reality of the outside world. Moreover, the delicate Chinaware found in every flower girls jewellike, bewitching chamber, such as the one Jade is sitting on when she feeds Master Zhu opium, is a me...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Indian highways account for a vast minority Essays

Indian highways account for a vast minority Essays Indian highways account for a vast minority Essay Indian highways account for a vast minority Essay Table of Contentss 1. Introduction 2. Background and Literature Review I ) From Domestic to Foreign Car Purchases: The Turning Shift two ) Automotive Companies in India: Foreign and Domestic three ) Anatomy of a Developing Economy four ) Consumer Behavior Characteristics: Value vs. Ostentation V ) Brand Image: Domestic vs. Foreign six ) A Assorted Market: Rootss and Consequences seven ) Cases in Point: Foreign Investment Plus Domestic Equity Equals Success 3. Datas Analysis I ) Gross saless Figures two ) Customer Satisfaction 4. Discussion I ) Consumer Purchasing Model 5. Decision 6. Literature Cited 1. Introduction The Indian domestic car market represents a turning industry both through direct gross revenues and component supply. Several factors are acknowledged in literature as engines behind growing within the car sector. These include an addition in metropolis industrial growing, rural agricultural sector growing and constitution of several foreign houses such as Toyota and Hyundai. The growing in car gross revenues can hence be seen as a microcosm of capitalist economy booming in a antecedently state-run economic system. Highlighted under such protections is a fresh pick among consumers between domestic and foreign produced merchandises. Commercial attempts are hence dually fronted towards streamlining production and accommodating theoretical accounts to typical Indian consumer life style and budget – moves aimed to minimise costs and maximise gross, severally. The rise in car gross revenues can besides be analyzed from the position of the effects precipitated. One of the most powerful effects stemming from rise in car gross revenues is that of nursery gas ( GHG ) emanations. India has now a population good entrenched above one billion occupants, triping widespread recognition that it poses a important environmental menace in footings of domestic gas emanations. With a national route substructure web far flung from run intoing car traffic demand, congestion has created a dead cesspit of auto-emitted gases. On the political forepart, developing states such as India and China are non under duty to curtail gas emanations under international pacts such as the Kyoto Protocol [ 1 ] . Such non-requirement among developing states has become a delicate issue frequently at the head of diplomatic argument sing clime alteration. This is mostly due to the impugn felt by developed states such as the US and UK. Such states contribute emanation degrees ord ers of magnitude greater than those of their developing state opposite numbers on a per capita footing. However, it is argued that a deficiency of countenances imposed upon developing states represents a possible grave mistake in judgement given the leaning for aggregative emanations within full dullard, industrialising economic systems. Marketing enterprises represent another consequence precipitated from the rise in car gross revenues. Such runs have taken the head under the control of several car houses viing for portion in a comparative junior market. The instance for portion is so faced from a different angle by foreign houses both due to regulative limitations and the demand to equilibrate pricing with consumer buying power. The coming of inexpensive, fuel efficient vehicles is expected to function as a pillar within the car market given consumer demand. Possibly most of import among challenges faced by domestic and foreign car houses alike is that of accommodating theoretical accounts to Indian consumer life style to confirm trust and dependability among clients. The new-age Indian markets present both chances and challenges. Consumer behaviour represents one of the most important tendencies to supervise among car house direction so as to fulfill market demand and increase market portion. This is non to sabotage inventiveness and invention in production and selling. To the contrary, much is to be said based on foreign establishment success narratives – intra or inter-industry – for making demand out of unrealized vacuities within the consumer market. For illustration, such a scheme has been invoked by Ikea with its move into Russia – a developing state with similar capitalistic roots to those of India. In the automotive sector, Suzuki pioneered a joint venture with so Maruti Ltd – a authorities owned steadfast – to fit theoretical accounts to consumer tendencies and demand holes. Consumer behaviour with regard to car purchases within Indian car market is analyzed in footings of three primary factors: I ) a p arallel displacement in in-between income net incomes and comparative high deserving personal point ownership, two ) fiscal and cultural enablers of car purchases and three ) influence of foreign car house selling runs. Through an analysis of such factors, a theoretical account for Indian consumer car buying tendencies between domestic and foreign trade names is developed and presented. This theoretical account is of possible usage to domestic and foreign car house direction as it is multi-factorial based – an advantage in an inherently liquid consumer market. In peculiar, the theoretical account considers past gross revenues and client satisfaction figures as campaigners for roots and grounds for alteration in consumer inclinations off from ethnocentric trade names. 2. Background and Literature Review A displacement among Indian consumers towards buying foreign made vehicles has occurred with the constitution of several houses such as Toyota, GM, Ford and Hyundai. The double merchandise of a immense consumer base by volume and deregulating among the car market has led to a market place dotted now both by domestic and foreign shapers. As a consequence, consumers now possess a greater component of pick across the car sector. Auto houses are forced to plan and market merchandises in touch with the worlds of Indian consumer life style and fiscal budgets. For the domestic shapers, the state of affairs is simple: fend off foreign rivals both by keeping bing clients with tried merchandises while introducing to run into new-age concerns such as those centered on emanation degrees. For foreign shapers, the chance is slightly more complicated. In add-on to designing and selling consumer-demanded merchandises, medium and long term schemes must integrate macroeconomic factors such as involvem ent rate and currency fluctuations. Such factors are of peculiar importance within a developing economic system because they are frequently misrepresented through early development phases. The ability to attune operations – in peculiar production and supply concatenation direction – to predominating conditions of Indian economic system is hence of cardinal importance. The displacement in Indian consumer buying wonts off from domestic to foreign made vehicles can be attributed to several implicit in grounds. Three prevailing factors are discussed below, each of which envelops several undertones: I ) competitory distinction, two ) image and three ) concern moralss. It is of import here to measure up the intent of including the latter factor of concern moralss. Ethical motives are discussed non as a motive among consumers towards any one merchandise or company, but as a decreasing hurdle to be overcome by marketing sections. It is asserted that concern moralss in countries such as advertisement are frequently ignored by foreign car shapers given favourable supply/demand fortunes. Besides, population volume of the in-between category can falsify any rejection of concern pattern because these consumers make up the largest proportion of foreign car shaper clients. In today’s car sector, companies must endeavor to stand out amidst rivals in any given market. Over the past decennary, increases in rivals within old oligopoly markets – for illustration, the US and, more recent, Indian car sectors – and decelerating of demand growing has led to general overcapacity. Taking these two markets as illustrations, permeation of foreign car shapers such as those Japanese ( i.e. Toyota, Honda ) and Korean ( i.e. Hyundai, Kia ) has forced domestic pillars to reassess concern programs and merchandises marketed to altering consumer demographics and tendencies in this. Tay ( 2006 ) notes that within developed and flush markets, demand has leveled while consumer demand is yet to the full realized in developing markets such as India and China. The consequence of this excess of participants of lessenings in demand growing rates is double pronged. Namely, car shapers have been beset by overcapacity and a attendant premium on deriving consumer concern and trueness. Competitive distinction within crowded market places hence stands a critical challenge in turning market portion ( Tay 2006 ) . Tay ( 2006 ) asserts in a reappraisal of automotive companies and sectors worldwide that competitory distinction is a critical component in company image and fiscal wellness. It is of import to measure up the significance of competitory distinction. Tay ( 2006 ) offers a proficient definition, allowing organisational procedures in the spotlight. In peculiar, it refers to how an car manufacturer innovates and delivers its merchandises and services – compared with the competition – in three parametric quantities: quality, cost/value and seasonableness measures. ( Tay 2006 ) . From an organisational position, competitory distinction is therefore a fluid procedure whereby merchandises and procedures are in-touch with and anticipant of consumer demand. The consequence is a company-consumer relationship that transcends cold supply and demand economic sciences into something of a common apprehension and satisfaction. In this sense, competitory distinction can hence be thought of in a Darwinian model: companies apt to survive’ tough times are those able to accommodate to environing rough environmental conditions. All markets – developed or developing – nowadays challenges that must be faced and overcome by car shapers in order to turn market portion. In observing three beginnings of competitory distinction – quality, value and seasonableness – Tay ( 2006 ) asserts that each beginning will change in importance depending on the market. For illustration, it is asserted that within developed economic systems ( i.e. Europe or North America ) , accent is frequently placed upon quality niceties given copy cat and attendant impregnation of one time vanguard characteristics ( i.e. power guidance, clime control, ABS brake systems etc. ) ( Tay 2006 ) . By contrast, developing markets ( i.e. India ) still virgin to the unmasking of auto theoretical accounts and associated characteristics and tag lines may further value pricing ( Tay 2006 ) . Auto line R A ; D, production and gross revenues and selling channels must therefore attune to properties of the specific economic syste m in which operations are based. India’s car sector presents a regular balance between Tay’s outlined standards by which car houses may be benchmarked by consumers within a given economic system. On the one manus, quality exists as a critical component in car gross revenues because of natural benefits reaped by given consumers. Quality besides represents the suite of benchmarks by which a consumer weighs future purchases. Same shop gross revenues on a year-over-year footing are a critical step of success both in retail and fabrication industries, both of which are incorporated by car houses. On the other, value must be factored by car shapers via production ironss because of the distinction of the in-between category as a mark demographic. Value can besides be seen as holding common good consequences to company and consumer likewise. This statement is leveraged on the rule of cost nest eggs. From a consumer point of view, increased cost nest eggs can take to higher disposable income militias and a high er leaning for farther discretional disbursement ( i.e. a 2nd auto ) . From a company position, cost nest eggs provide a safety cyberspace in the case of overcapacity. One basis rule distilled from the Indian car sector is that the consumer is in the driver’s place. Indeed, the present car market in India remains in developing phases but has however endured exposure to foreign car houses since the mid 1990s [ 2 ] . The coming of synergistic selling runs with increasing consumer entree to new age communicating interfaces such as the cyberspace has endowed an information overplus non antecedently available to such a widespread audience. Tay ( 2006 ) asserts that online characteristics such as dedicated web sites with rental rate reckoners and merchandise scope galleries have in consequence rendered a true unfastened market place. The state of affairs as per the Indian car market is accentuated because of the high comparative consumer buying power para ( Tay 2006, acquire other from initial pages ) . Remember buying power para is determined by trade good pricing, in bend dependent upon all conducive elements associated with a given trade good. Such elements include labour and production capital and are much cheaper sourced within India than abroad. The significance of buying power para is that car shapers can non reimburse surplus costs through monetary value hikings. Alternatively, cost nest eggs must be generated through streamlined supply and production ironss ( Tay 2006 ) . The above discussed cost nest eggs statement provides an disposed segue into a treatment of Tay’s 3rd benchmark value: seasonableness. Tay ( 2006 ) discusses the importance for car houses to pitch production and gross revenues ironss to existent consumer demand. In peculiar, it is noted that processes such as constituent ordination and vehicle line production quota scenes be fluid so as to run into consumer demand as it arises ( i.e. merchandise design to market period of ~12 months ) ( Tay 2006 ) . From a market version point of view, such flexibleness permits companies to translate market tendencies into merchandises thirstily sought by buyers. ( Tay 2006 ) . In consequence, the quicker the response, the better opportunity of eating the demand to consumer satisfaction. Tay ( 2006 ) notes several houses that have achieved such a unstable production procedure ( i.e. Toyota, BMW, and Hyundai ) . Firms that have in the past suffered overcapacity due to falling gross revenues of peculiar theoretical accounts must redesign production and gross revenues ironss through audience with several on-site directors. The critical consequence is to derive a alleged intelligent platform ( Tay 2006 ) that stocks stock list in touch with consumer demand during periods of a given tendency. The image factor must besides be considered as contributive of a widespread consumer displacement towards the purchase of foreign made cars. However, it is first of import to clear up the context in which image is used. Here, image takes on a nonliteral, non actual significance. Image within the head of a consumer is hence based non purely upon vehicle physical visual aspect, but instead the position it commands as portion of a occidentalizing economic system. Aside from the car industry, many sectors in India have experienced foreign constitution. For illustration, fiscal services, telecommunications and consumer electronics are all representative of industries now comprised of domestic and foreign participants. In a holistic sense, the basket of goods and services from which to pull by consumers has been transformed from a local to planetary market. Tay ( 2006 ) reinforces this claim by reasoning global-enabling communicating engineerings have allowed consumers to first acknowledge and finally know apart between merchandises offered by sellers of different states of beginning. The consequence is a market scrimmage that can, over a period of old ages, influence consumer consciousness in merchandise buying. In the yesteryear, the determination was de facto because of the deficiency of free trade and being other protectionist steps such as duties and import responsibilities. Through the 1990s and into the 21stcentury, the determination has been reversed because of steps easing India’s embracing of globalisation. Foreign car houses have applied selling engineerings used in other markets in an attempt to suede consciousness to their merchandise – image selling. In big portion, Indian houses have yet to catch up. Demographics are one lending factor towards image selling. In the context of India, see the immature age market ( ages ~20-35 ) . This market consists of many on the job persons who are viewed as less tied to old traditions and cultural pattern than their parental coevals opposite numbers. Given a general gravity – or, at really least, consideration – towards western consumer merchandises in stead of monetary value favoritism, the consequence is a market geared towards foreign made vehicles. Physical particulars are good documented among foreign made cars. Vehicles such as the Chevrolet Aveo and Toyota Camry athletics characteristics that convey both nicety and practicality to Indian consumers. For illustration, the future Aveo U-VA theoretical account commands a short relation turning radius, designed to ease tight bends on narrow Indian roads ( Chevrolet India 2006 ) . However, branding of such theoretical accounts has been designed to integrate Indian civilization so that foreign merchandises are viewed as balanced between nuts and bolts and local modishness. Foreign car houses in India besides use the image factor as a collateral consequence. Lodging with the mark demographic of consumers aged 20-35, foreign houses recognize the potency for downstream ego advertisement. For illustration, persons who have purchased and become satisfied with a GM or Toyota vehicle are likely to go through on positive word of oral cavity feedback to equals. Given significant communicating volume – a critical mass, per se – a trade name may go the donee of widespread image acknowledgment and credence. The opportunity for such image credence is increased for trade names of foreign houses as compared to domestic opposite numbers because of their freshness. For illustration, see intercrossed engineering. Hybrid vehicles are really much a new and recent phenomenon within the Indian car market. Matching to this new age engineering is a acknowledgment among Indian consumer base of environmental disturbance that is exacerbated through car ingestion. T he potency for image credence among intercrossed theoretical accounts is hence bolstered by three separate phenomena. First, intercrossed vehicles are marketed by new market participants ( i.e. acquire steadfast here ) . Second, intercrossed exterior design is alone and provides the component of contrast – a potentially moneymaking quality in the context of consumer buying inclination. And 3rd, environmental nest eggs conferred through intercrossed as comparative to gasoline vehicle usage are viewed as admirable and may transport extra advantages such as revenue enhancement credits. three ) Ethical motives The issue of ethical concern pattern represents a farther conducive factor to consumer purchase behaviour. The issue of moralss in concern is slightly of an intangible construct. Indeed, moralss are by and big the merchandise of recognized traditions over many coevalss within a given civilization. The effects of political and economic intervention such as jurisprudence devising on moralss can hence be distorted because those who instigate such actions are replaced at frequent intervals. Thus what is taken as ethical under the protections of a Communist vs. democratic government varies based on value airings of either government. However, moralss can act upon consumers based on cultural heritage and personal values. Religious beliefs and moral values can rule consciousness and life style of certain persons in specific states. As such a consciousness is woven over a long comparative length of clip, sensitiveness towards perceived unethical concern activity may happen given a deficiency of regard among concerns. The state of affairs in India is pronounced, as many persons pattern Hinduism or outgrowths of it as portion of a balance between spiritual look and twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. Ethical criterions are implicitly recognized by all consumers. In the Indian market place, several patterns can be assessed for their ethical upholding. Biswas ( 1998 ) discusses several such countries, all of which revolve around gross coevals and increasing net income ratios. For illustration, advertisement is highlighted as an oft misleading pattern ( Biswas 1998 ) . Biswas ( 1998 ) concedes that by sound concern pattern and practicality, advertisement is an indispensable conduit towards determining consumer purchase. However, the nature of advertisement among several companies is criticized for its top-heavy accent on ingestion in the face of restraint. The issue of monetary value show – or deficiency thereof – is assessed as non-beneficial to consumers because it limits pick based on disposable income budgets ( Biswas 1998 ) . Besides, the inquiry of whether to include semi-graphic content such as partly clothed adult females in advertizements is raised ( Biswas 19 98 ) . Ramifications to the automotive sector are obvious given the male enticement of certain theoretical accounts. In peculiar, Sport Utility Vehicle ( SUV ) lines offered by American houses such as GM and Ford may affect advertisement that transcends cultural restrictions. In a reappraisal of concern moralss within the Indian market place, Biswas ( 1998 ) identifies certain characteristics engrained in both economic sciences and morality. Mention is made to important cultural transcripts and figures such as theVedic literaturesand Ghandi, severally ( Biswas 1998 ) . Ancient transcripts such as theVedic literaturesdo mention to the intrinsic harmoniousness between economic pattern and moralss. In every sense, continuing moralss is dependent on sound economic pattern. This relationship is said to be because moralss are the exclusive merchandise of single content. Individual content must hence be achieved through support – prosperity – which itself is a merchandise of sound economic pattern. Biswas ( 1998 ) calls on Shakespearean idiom to bolster this point of good moralss as dependant on one’s state of affairs – Virtue is made by circumstance. ( Biswas 1998 ) . Biswas ( 1998 ) surmises the relationship in matter-of-fact manner : True economic sciences in India neer militate against the highest ethical criterion, merely as all true moralss to be deserving its name must at the same clip be besides good economic sciences as it reveals in theVedic literatures. ( Biswas 1998 ) . The deduction taken from this averment is that economic pattern and moralss saving are per se intertwined. One ground for a possible ethical ignorance among Indian consumers involves population size ( Biswas 1998 ) . Biswas ( 1998 ) makes mention to India’s big population insofar as the consequence of disintegration is concerned. The statement here is that while foreign transnational houses may disavow ethical pattern – for illustration, through selling or monetary value puting negative reaction among consumer base may be washed out by indifference among aquiline purchasers. In this sense, foreign ( or domestic ) car sellers may derive impunity to unethical pattern based on positive gross revenues. The critical point to be recognized is that although moralss may hold been imbued by past Indian commercial entities, the clime within that epoch was one of isolation. At present, India has opened its doors to foreign multinationals and therefore the influence of competition. In the context of this thesis sing India’s car sector, the grade to which moralss will impact consumer purchase behaviour is a affair of speculation. Onus is placed upon foreign houses both in footings of acknowledging and honouring Indian traditions in melding merchandises into Indian market place. However, it is asserted that moralss continue to linger in background raid amidst a market place dotted with houses in ferocious competition over procuring clients at all costs. The Indian car market consists of several participants. The present auto shapers runing within the local environment may be separated based on several position as domestic or foreign. Domestic houses include Hindustan motors, TATA, Mahindra, Maruti Udyog Ltd. and Premier Automobiles. Foreign houses include American-headquartered participants such as General Motors ( GM ) and Ford Motor Co. , every bit good as Asiatic opposite numbers such as Toyota Motor Corp. , Honda, Hyundai and Daewoo ( a Korean subordinate of GM ) . Foreign constitution within India’s domestic car industry is mostly a merchandise of authorities liberalisation associated with ownership Torahs ( Rathore and Swarup 2006-B ) . Rathore and Swarup ( 2006-B ) note that get downing in the early 1990s, partial ownership bets could be held by foreign houses in undertakings run by domestic houses. However, as the Indian economic system continued to turn through technological progresss and increasing instruction among young person ( i.e. under age 20 ) demographic, foreign involvement increased within car sector. The consequence has been a progressive liberalisation in policy devising towards allowing foreign competition within the car industry. Trade parametric quantities have underlined this policy displacement. For illustration, strike responsibilities – revenue enhancement paid by consumer on specific merchandises – levied on little vehicle [ 3 ] purchases within India are reported by Rathore and Swarup ( 2006-B ) to be reduced to 16 % from current rate of 24 % . It is helpful to supply comparing of scheme and investing between domestic and foreign car shapers in analysing altering consumer penchants. Constitution, initial production and selling operations and client service all constitute critical countries of development in footings of cementing and turning market portion. Such countries are approached and executed in different manner by domestic and foreign houses mostly based on past success within a given market – frequently that of a place state. Thus scheme invoked by American car shapers such as GM or Ford involves following traditional US theoretical accounts to Indian consumer life style within a turning economic system. Traveling off from a stylistic position, some differences ( i.e. production related ) may be the consequence of statute law prefering certain car theoretical accounts ( i.e. revenue enhancement inducements related to increased intercrossed vehicle production ) . Regardless of the drift – consumer life style, legal-based, environmental etc. – all houses must accomplish a balance between local imposts and civilization and marketed merchandises. Discussed below is a series of car house overviews designed to exemplify differences in marketing scheme ( discussed inSelling Scheme) . In peculiar, two houses are discussed harmonizing to headquarter part: General Motors ( US ) , Toyota ( Japan ) . In the instance of the GM and Toyota, old international enlargement is discussed as per constitution in India and consumer entreaty of several theoretical accounts. General Motors I ) Overview GM stands at present as the planetary leader in automotives by production volume ( Rathore and Swarup 2006-B, see Hoovers link to General Motors ) . The GM narrative is mostly one of a tail of two epochs. Through US industrialisation during the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s domestic US car giants – GM and Ford – controlled a bulk of market portion. However, the oncoming of several factors such as high fuel monetary values, skyrocketing wellness and pension costs and automobile-based environmental disturbance have parlayed foreign constitution within the US market into an scoured portion for GM and Ford. The consequence is a sector now parsed between foreign and US cars, with market portion go oning to widen in favour of the foreign participants. Such domestic market portion eroding coupled with the purpose to capitalise a mostly developing consumer market within Asia ( i.e. first clip auto purchasers ) has led GM to put such international markets. Recent one-year fiscal consequences underscore GMs loss in US domestic market portion and attendant move into international markets. Financial informations can be distilled down to a gaping failing that has become manifest with superior competition within the US domestic market: bequest costs under-compensated by gross. For the financial twelvemonth 2005, net gross revenues and gross totaled approximately US $ 192.6 billion ( GM Annual Report 2005, Financial Highlights ) . Such gross stood on the dorsum of a planetary production end product of over 9 billion vehicle units, an addition of ~10 % relation to 2003 planetary production of 8.2 billion units ( GM Annual Report 2005, Financial Highlights ) . However, net net incomes amounted to an overall one-year loss of about US $ 10.6 billion. This net incomes figure translates into a loss of approximately $ 18.50 per portion ( GM Annual Report 2005, Financial Highlights ) . The loss is magnified in badness when compared to the 2004 fisca l twelvemonth consequences, in which net incomes per portion were US $ 4.94 – a net income border of 1.4 % . Put from a stockholders position, net incomes were depleted by over four times over the class of one twelvemonth from the black to red. The hapless GM cost construction and depletion in operating hard currency flow can be attributed to a high comparative budget for employee pension and health-related costs. The consequence is equivalent to retaining a lead ball while trying to travel frontward. From a statistical analysis, GM incurred US $ 5.3 billion in wellness attention duties over financial 2005, or approximately US $ 600 per vehicle sold. In his Letter to Stockholders – published as portion of the 2005 GM Annual Report – CEO Rick Wagoner placed an accent on cut downing such costs through assorted streamlining steps ( GM Annual Report 2005, Letter to Stockholders ) . These include US works closings and associated employee layoffs, renegotiated active and retiree benefit programs and direct and indirect investing in foreign markets. two ) International Presence This figure of planetary production laterality is mostly the merchandise of its many trade names based both in the US and abroad. These trade names include Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, GMC, Saturn, Hummer and Cadillac in the US. GM controlled international subordinates include Saab ( Sweden ) , Opel ( Germany ) and Daewoo ( Korean ) . In footings of branding in foreign markets, GM has fabrication operations in 32 states, while GM vehicles are imported by 190 states. For illustration, within Asia and the Middle East GM operates in China, India, Thailand, Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) ( GM Worldwide 2006 ) . Within Africa, GM operates in Egypt and South Africa. To exemplify the usage of subordinates, GM operates under the protections of Chevrolet, Opel and Saab in South Africa. From 2004, GM South Africa has besides acted as a distributer for Saab vehicles in South Africa ( note that the two companies facilitate joint client service operations ) . Non-US gross revenues have over the past decennary increased to represent approximately half of GMs entire planetary gross revenues. The 2005 GM Annual Report quantifies such gross revenues figures. For illustration, of the 9 million planetary gross revenues units GM tallied over financial 2005, merely over half were from outside of the US ( GM Letter to Stockholders 2005 ) . It is besides noted that greater than 1 million gross revenues were recorded throughout the Asia/Pacific part ( GM Letter to Stockholders 2005 ) . Gross saless volume was reported up 20 % year-over-year within South America, Africa and the Middle East ( GM Annual Report 2005, Letter to Stockholders ) . GM executives attribute such gross revenues growing to strength of internationally recognized and truste

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week Six Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week Six Question - Essay Example (Watkins, 2004) One of the key reasons as to why founding fathers of America refused to consider paper money as a legal tender was the unrestrained use and possession of this money thus causing damage to the society. Since paper money was not backed by the real physical assets therefore its issuance and circulation was considered as morally damaging for the society as a whole. Apart from this, the issuance of paper money by some States has created widespread inflationary pressures on the economy. The case of Rhodes Island is considered as an ideal case wherein Rhodes Island not only issued the currency but also passed legislation that if anyone refuses to accept this as a legal tender, he or she may be fined for $100. The uncontrolled use of paper money also became detrimental for the trade in Rhodes Island. This experiment created a widespread dissent among those responsible for development of a unanimously agreed constitution of the country. (Newcomer, 1986) It is important to note that the US Constitution only prohibits States from issuing paper money but it is relatively silent on the powers of the federal government to issue fiat money. It is however, critical to note that US has started to issue paper money much before even the constitution was adapted in the country. The necessary and proper clause in the constitution also gave powers to the federal government to actually pass any law which may be considered as necessary. (Feeley & Rubin, 2008). The constitutional convention also gave silent powers to the federal government to actually issue paper money but it suggested restraining from inserting an explicit clause in the constitution to allow the issuance of paper money in the country. The current system of issuing currency notes in the country therefore also points out to this constitutional issue as US Mint is responsible for issuance of coins in limited numbers where Fed has been

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discuss arguments related to global warming.where are there Essay

Discuss arguments related to global warming.where are there differences of opinion and can they be justified - Essay Example Present science points toward the matter to unrestrained release of gases. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recognizes discharge of anthropogenic conservatory gases as the major cause for global warming in the middle of twentieth century. Clearly, the results are aiming to control the discharge of these dangerous gases. Approximately, all the countries have signed the Kyoto procedure but this is concerning all our governments. On the other hand, at any rate, the scientists are to be answerable, not the politicians since scientists have failed to recognize the actual reason, and therefore, solutions recommended by them are not useful. (Thakur, pp.115, 2002) An added alarming situation is that due to the global warming, many cyclones and hurricanes can take place on common basis with a greater force. There is also a chance of sea levels to rise and give a passage to the coastal flooding. (Codrington, pp.396, 2005) On the other hand, argument that global warming may cause tropical cyclones to turn into more relentless is rooted on the supposition that sea level temperatures will boost as the atmosphere become warmer. (Codrington, pp.396, 2005) Warm oceans give the majority of the energy supply from tropical cyclones. Again, the confirmation for this argument is vague. In the opinion of Landsea (1996), there has been a wide-ranging decline in the number of intense tropical cyclones tendency in the Atlantic. Several climatologists bring to a close that even though global warming has a number of effects on the occurrence and intensity of tropical cyclones, nearly all of the variations, are due to natural factors for instance ocean temperatures and the movement of ocean currents. (Codrington, pp.396, 2005) In today’s world, there has been more increase of rate of global warming as in comparison to what has been experienced in the past. Therefore, if we look into past we will notice that even in the history a large